Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Just can't stop adding photos...

This was one of my last weddings for the year. K and G were so much fun to work with. We left the church and everyone to head down to a near by park on the lake. I like when the couple wants to take an hour just to be photographed alone! They get to spend a little time "by themselves" on their wedding day. Plus then the wedding party doesn't get board waiting for me to finish up with my "one more photo" K was a glowing bride!

G definitely had a fun side to him!
Something different...high ISO and no "big lights"
This is close to where K and G first met...I think...and where G first saw K on their wedding day.
Starting at the park
By the water...LOVE the no horizon

I really like the empty beach. It was a very warm day and the beach was packed behind me.
I can't go to a park and not play on the swings! I was happy that K and G felt the same way:)
Then we went into the woods...where it was hotter!
Tried a stoic Finnish photograph with no smiling. This didn't last long, I think I only got one shot off.

G and his men. K snuck right in there.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bank Photo Day Christmas Themed

We did a photo day for a Christmas card. We had many people show up and I had a busy day photographing the little kids. I love working with them even though they have TONS of energy and do not sit still for very long.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Nephew!

A new subject for me! He was getting a little frustrated with me as you can see in the bottom photo! Newborns are so much fun to photograph. I'll post more photos later!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

My first photo project

For my first photo project I needed to show action. It could be panning like the first two photos or stop action like the last photo. I need just one photograph to send in. Which one do you like best?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Beautiful sunset!!!

SUNSETS rock! J was one of my last seniors for this year.

J brought along her skis and a guitar.