Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bride and Groom by the water

So this wedding is going to have almost every photo posted here! This is my last post for the night though. P and J were so much fun to work with. We spent most of the time at a park by the lake for the photos and then headed back to the church in time for the families to be photographed. This first photo is when they first saw each other.

This photos is from my assistant K, she does beautiful work!

Some more from J and P's wedding

I had a lot of fun with these girls.

Sunny day at the lake

This is just a start of the photos from J and P wedding day. J was such a fun bride to be photographing for. I wanted to use this background for my sisters wedding a year ago but it was snowing so that wasn't a possibility. This was the first wedding I was able to use this pier and I liked how the photos turned out.
This one is from my assistant, K. She gets the different angles while I'm getting more of the straight on shots. Thanks for doing such a beautiful job K!
I love the look on some of the bridal party's faces.
Last time I used this was four years ago, it's not that offten you have a slide to climb so you can photograph down!

These girls were watching J and P have their picture taken by a friend.

Almost time.

J and P thanks so much for letting K and I photograph your special day!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More from R and C wedding

These are in no particular order, sorry. The reception to R and C was beautiful! It was done with branches that were just starting to have leaves on them and birds. They had a candy bar with prints that R painted to say love is sweet.

R getting ready to pitch.

They didn't see each other before the wedding but there is a tradition in C's family where they write a note to each other.