Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Just can't stop adding photos...

This was one of my last weddings for the year. K and G were so much fun to work with. We left the church and everyone to head down to a near by park on the lake. I like when the couple wants to take an hour just to be photographed alone! They get to spend a little time "by themselves" on their wedding day. Plus then the wedding party doesn't get board waiting for me to finish up with my "one more photo" K was a glowing bride!

G definitely had a fun side to him!
Something different...high ISO and no "big lights"
This is close to where K and G first met...I think...and where G first saw K on their wedding day.
Starting at the park
By the water...LOVE the no horizon

I really like the empty beach. It was a very warm day and the beach was packed behind me.
I can't go to a park and not play on the swings! I was happy that K and G felt the same way:)
Then we went into the woods...where it was hotter!
Tried a stoic Finnish photograph with no smiling. This didn't last long, I think I only got one shot off.

G and his men. K snuck right in there.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bank Photo Day Christmas Themed

We did a photo day for a Christmas card. We had many people show up and I had a busy day photographing the little kids. I love working with them even though they have TONS of energy and do not sit still for very long.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Nephew!

A new subject for me! He was getting a little frustrated with me as you can see in the bottom photo! Newborns are so much fun to photograph. I'll post more photos later!